First year Engineering is common to all branches which provide comprehensive and integrated studies of subjects in Engineering Mechanics, Applied Physics, App. Chemistry, Communication skill, Engg. Drawing, Applied Maths, Basic Electrical Engineering and Computer Programming. The main aim of these subjects is to develop the basic skills which are prerequisites to Engineering and Technology. This department has highly qualified and well experienced faculty members to make the students well versed with the engineering subjects. The faculty members conduct periodic tests, home assignments; tutorial, open book test etc. Continuous efforts are being taken by all the faculties to improve the performance of students.
Department Objectives
- To strengthen the fundamentals in Applied Sciences, Mathematics and Basic Engineering.
- To develop the ability to communicate effectively as technical professionals.
- To provide an environment for working effectively in groups.
- To create a good base for further engineering education.
To provide comprehensive requisite knowledge of applied sciences and basic engineering subjects to engineering students to strengthen their Mathematics, English basics and Soft skills
- To impart quality education in science, Mathematics, Mechanics, Drawing and Electrical engineering subjects
- To groom the students with flair towards hand on experience to solve real life problems.
- To acquaint the students with effective communication skills and provide them ample practice for improving their interpersonal skills.
- To inculcate discipline and moral values amongst the students.
Applied Mathematics-I | Applied Mathematics-II |
Applied Physics-I | Applied Physics-II |
Applied Chemistry –I | Applied Chemistry –II |
Engineering Mechanics | Engineering Drawing |
Basic Electrical Engineering | Structured Programming Approach |
Environmental studies | Communication Skills |
Basic Workshop Practice-I | Basic Workshop Practice-II |
Name of the lab: Engineering Mechanics
Lab in charge: Dr. Dhanawade H. S.
Details of Resources & Equipments:
Engineering Mechanics is one of the important subject which deals with mechanics of various structures and components. The results determined at laboratories ensure about safety, strength, rigidity, reliability and behaviors of mechanical beams, trusses, joints and other technological aspects. It is thus significant to acquire sound theoretical knowledge coupled with practical inputs observed at laboratories. As per the requirement of the revised syllabus, lab is spacious and well equipped with different apparatus such as force table, beam reaction, bell crank leaver friction, flywheel, compound pendulum etc.
Name of the lab: Engineering Drawing
Lab in charge: Mr. Page A. V.
Details of Resources & Equipments:
Engineering Drawing is the language of engineers. It is a starting point of all engineering branches. There is well equipped Drawing Hall which is fully spacious, illuminated and ventilated makes pleasant condition for students. All necessary and required Drawing charts and models are available in Engineering Drawing Hall. As per the requirement of revised syllabus, separate AutoCAD lab with recent version of AutoCAD software is established.
Name of the lab: AutoCAD Lab
Lab in charge: Mr. Page A. V.
Details of Resources & Equipments:
AutoCAD is most widely used modeling package in today’s industrial development, for preparing drawings of all engineering components, designing mechanical engineering parts and modeling civil engineering structures. We explore students the basic knowledge of engineering drawing with the help of computer. We conduct practical to perform two dimensional views, isometric views, lettering, dimensioning & sectional views etc.
Name of the lab: Applied Chemistry
Lab in charge: Dr. Sandhya Mathur
Details of Resources & Equipments:
With an era of change, Applied chemistry focuses on giving hands on expertise with leading edge technologies & Global perspective on the effect of that technology. Applied chemistry department has been well established to make the students proficient in subject. The subject is common for all first year bachelor’s degree students. Applied chemistry laboratory is well equipped with latest apparatus consisting of Redwood viscometer, Pensky Marten and Able Flash Point apparatus which can be used for testing lubricating oil to determine viscosity, flash point and fire point. Flue gas analysis of fuels can be carried out by using orsat apparatus to determine the % of CO2, O2, CO in the combustion product. PH of the unknown samples can be determined using PH -1 Meter.
Name of the lab: Basic Electrical Engineering
Lab in charge: Prof. K Venkatacharyulu
Details of Resources & Equipments:
BEE Lab is well equipped with Kits for all the experiments in the syllabus. The lab is equipped with required measuring instruments like Ammeters, Voltmeters, multi meters & Watt meters. The Lab is also equipped with all required components like resistors, inductors, capacitors transformers motors & load banks. We have well experienced technical staff. Students perform following experiments under the guidance of faculty.
1. Mesh and Nodal analysis.
2. Verification of Superposition Theorem.
3. Verification Thevenins Theorem.
4. Study of R-L series and R-C series circuit.
5. R-L-C series resonance circuit
6. R-L-C parallel resonance circuit.
7. Relationship between phase and line currents and voltages in 3″ phase System (star & delta)
8. Power and phase measurement in three phase system by two wattmeter method.
9. O.C. and S.C. test on single phase transformer
Name of the lab: Language lab
Lab in charge: Mr.Govind B. Waghmare
Details of Resources & Equipments:
Language Lab is an equipped setting where language skills are polished. Language is always learned by the basic skills i.e. LSRW, for developing speaking skills of students. They need to be exposed & given firsthand experience of listening to ideal language user. Language lab. provides this opportunity for the students.
Name of the lab: Applied Physics
Lab in charge: Mr. D. S. Gangurde
Details of Resources & Equipments:
The Applied Physics Laboratory is well equipped with latest apparatus of fiber optics, high quality cathode ray oscilloscope, function generator, LASER beam, ultrasonic generator models of crystal cells, Newtons ring’s apparatus and cathode ray tube to measure e/m ratio.
Name of the lab: Structured Programming Approach
Lab in charge: Mr. Desai Sachin
Details of Resources & Equipments
As per the requirement of today’s industrial development, we explore students the basic knowledge of Structured Programming Approach with the help of C language. C is a high-level structured oriented programming language. It is mainly developed as a system programming language for operating system. We conduct practical on construct of Algorithm and flowchart, Fundamentals of C-Programming, Functions and Parameter, Arrays , String, Structure and Union, Pointer and Files etc. For implementation of above concepts with the help of Turbo C/C++ software on windows or open source Operating System.
Name of the lab: WORKSHOP
Lab in charge: Dr. Dhanawade H. S.
To familiarize with the basic manufacturing processes and to study the various tools and equipment used, hands-on training is given in different sections. Essentially student should know the labour involved, machinery or equipment necessary, time required to fabricate and also should be able to estimate the cost of the product or job work.
The subject workshop technology has become increasingly important to the engineers engaged in the production of various types of machines and tools. The ability to work skillfully with hands, can be developed more readily and accurately, when the work to be performed in the shop floor it is necessary for students to understand both in practical and theoretical aspects. Spacious, fully ventilated workshop includes Fitting section, Smithy section, Carpentry section, welding section, Machine shop, Sheet metal working and Electric wiring etc.
The term fitting, is related to assembly of parts, after bringing the dimension or shape to the required size or form, in order to secure the necessary fit. The bench work and fitting plays an important role in engineering. Although in today’s industries most of the work is done by automatic machines which produces the jobs with good accuracy but still it (job) requires some hand operations called fitting operations.
Carpentry is the process of shaping Timber, using hand tools. The products produced are used in building construction, such as doors and windows, furniture manufacturing, patterns for moulding in foundries, etc. Carpentry work mainly involves the joining together of wooden pieces and finishing the surfaces after shaping them
Blacksmithy or Forging is an oldest shaping process used for the producing small articles for which accuracy in size is not so important. The parts are shaped by heating them in an open fire or hearth by the blacksmith and shaping them through applying compressive forces using hammer.
Welding is a process for joining two similar or dissimilar metals by fusion. It joins different metals/alloys, with or without the application of pressure and with or without the use of filler metal. The fusion of metal takes place by means of heat. The heat may be generated either from combustion of gases, electric arc, electric resistance or by chemical reaction.
The welding is widely used as a fabrication and repairing process in industries. Some of the typical applications of welding include the fabrication of ships, pressure vessels, automobile bodies, off-shore platform, bridges, welded pipes, sealing of nuclear fuel and explosives, etc.
Sheet metal work
Sheet metal work has its own significance in the engineering work. Many products, which fulfill the household needs, decoration work and various engineering articles, are produced from sheet metals. Common examples of sheet metal work are hoopers, canisters, guards, covers, pipes, hoods, funnels, bends, boxes etc. Such articles are found less expensive, lighter in weight and in some cases sheet metal products replace the use of castings or forgings.
Seminar on ‘Introduction to CATIA SOLIDWORKS & PROE for FE Mechanical Students
PLACE: Mumbai
Conducted Seminar on Introduction to CATIA SOLIDWORKS & PROE , in association with Institute of Engineers (India) on 29 March 2019, for FE mechanical engineering students

FE Visit to ACREX India 2019 Exhibition
PLACE: Mumbai
Acrex India 2019 is the South Asia’s Largest and Renown Exhibition on Refrigeration and Cold-chain, Air-Conditioning, Ventilation and Intelligent Buildings. This exhibition is organized by the ISHARE on 28th Feb to 2 March 2019 at Bombay Exhibition centre, Mumbai. FE mechanical students attended this exhibition on 1st March 2019 .This Exhibition gives student overall perspectives, working and updated information about Air-condition, and refrigeration. Different types of mechanical elements and equipments seen by the students. This exhibition will enhance students understanding about mechanical concepts and their practical applications .Students found this exhibition useful under the guidance of Dr. H.S.Dhanawade, Dr. A.S. Borkar and Prof. Rupali Jadhav.