"E-commerce" is an acronym for "electronic commerce," which is the term used to describe the purchasing and selling of products and services using the internet or other electronic channels like social media platforms or mobile apps.
The first online sale is reported to have happened in 1994, when a guy sold a Sting CD to a friend through his website NetMarket. The use of encryption technologies allowed for a secure transaction.
Cyber Monday, which falls on the Monday after Thanksgiving in the US, has grown to be one of the greatest e-commerce days of the year. Originally intended to be a marketing effort to promote online shopping, it has become into a significant occasion for businesses since 2005.
Almost 80% of online customers research products before making a purchase, and one-third of them make a purchase at least once a month.
When exploring the realm of Ecommerce Development you unlock a convenient avenue to effectively manage your products and categories select your preferred payment gateway process orders efficiently and more.
Innovative designs and a captivating theme are essential to effectively showcase your product on a website. Harmonizing these elements ensures a visually appealing platform. We are committed to translating your creative ideas into our design palette with precision.
We're dedicated to crafting a seamless shopping journey tailored to mobile users. Our primary goal is to equip businesses with a reliable and flexible ecommerce solution. We stand by our commitment to ensure prompt deliveries and offer unwavering 100% customer support.
When it comes to online transactions, we have the capability to integrate various payment gateways such as PayPal, ccAvenue, or any other third-party payment gateway of your choice.