About Library
The state of the art SIGCE Library has been successfully catering to the Knowledge and information needs of students and staff of the college. The library supports the teaching-learning program of the institute with an excellent collection of text books, reference books, journals and magazines, data sheets, audio visual materials and other reading material. The carpet area of the library is more than 4000 sq. ft. and the reading hall accommodates 150 students at a time. There are two reading rooms for students and one for staff, separate internet multimedia centre and reprographic center which provides unlimited internet access and reprographic facilities respectively.

Automation :
Library uses SOUL software package which is an integrated multi-user, multi-tasking, library management software that supports all in-house operations of the library. The software extends the facilities like Web-OPAC, Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Utility, Serial Control. The database of books and journals available in library is being updated on day to day basis with details of recently procured books. Barcode technology has been implemented for circulation.
e-Journals :
Library is subscribing to DELNET Database from current year. DELNET under its Knowledge Gainer Portal provides access to nearly 1.6 crore full-text E-Books, E-Journals, E-articles, IRs on varied subjects.
It provide access to 860 international Full-Text Engineering & Technology E-journals. It also offers bibliographic details of articles which can be search under title, author, compiler, name of the periodical and subject. At present database contains 11,24,250 records.
Web OPAC :
Library book’s bibliographical data and issue record can be access through our Web OPAC under search and member status tab. Member code is student’s Library Number (Available on backside of ID Card).
Membership :
All students, faculty members and employees of the institute are entitled for the membership of the library. Their entitlements, in terms of number of books that they can borrow, and the permissible loan period are as follows:
Sr. No | Category | No. of Books | Loan Period |
1 | Faculty | 06 | 1 Semester |
2 | Visiting Faculty | 02 | 1 Semester |
3 | Non-Teaching Staff | 02 | 1 Month |
4 | Students | 03 | 15 Days |

Sr. No | Name of Staff | Designation | Qualification |
1 | Mr. Mahesh J. Thombare | Librarian | B.Com, M.L.I.Sc |
2 | Mr. Jaysing A. Angane | Library Assistant | B.A., B. L.I.Sc |
3 | Mr. Shahaji V. Pawar | Library Clerk | B.Sc |
4 | Mr. Dattatray V. Bhosale | Library Attendant | S.S.C, L.T.C |
Area: | |
Total Area |
406Sq.mt |
Total Seating Capacity |
100 |
Multimedia Lab for students with internet facility |
01 |
Total Number computer in Lab |
10 |
Collection: | |
Books |
26742 |
Titles |
7240 |
Book Bank Books |
853 |
No. of National Journals/Magazines |
30 |
No. of International Journals (DELNET Database) |
860 |
CD ROM and DVD’ |
400 |
Bound Volumes of Journals |
453 |
Popular Magazines |
02 |
News Papers |
05 |
Library Facility | |
Working Hours |
9.30 am to 6.00 am |
Library Networking (LAN) |
Yes |
Internet Speed |
100 mbps |
Photocopy Facility |
Yes |
Bar Code Facility |
Yes |
Library Management Software |
SOUL 3.0 |
Document Scanning Facility |
Yes |
Document Printing Facility |
Yes |
Library Book Standard Classification System |
Yes (DDC) |
University Question Paper and Syllabus in Digital Format |
Yes |
Sr. No | Collection | |
1 | Books | 25268 |
2 | Titles | 6651 |
3 | Book Bank Books | 853 |
4 | No. of National Journals/Magazines | 31 |
5 | No. of International Journals | 149 |
6 | CD ROM and DVD’ | 782 |
7 | Bound Volumes of Journals | 453 |
8 | Popular Magazines | 3 |
9 | News Papers | 9 |
Sr. No | Library Facility | |
1 | Working Hours | 8.30 am to 6:60pm |
2 | Library Networking | Yes |
3 | Internet Speed | 100 mbps |
4 | Photocopy Facility | Yes |
5 | Bar Code Facility | Yes |
6 | Library Management Software | SOUL |
7 | Document Scanning Facility | Yes |
8 | Document Printing Facility | Yes |
9 | Library Book Standard Classification System | Yes (DDC) |
10 | University Question Paper and Syllabus in Digital Format | Yes |
List of Journals for the year 2022
Sr No | Name | Periodicity |
1 | Internation journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering | Bimonthly |
2 | International journal of computing and Artificial Intelligence | Bimonthly |
3 | IUP Journal of Soft skills | Quarterly |
4 | Journal of Current development in Artificial Intelligence | Triannual |
5 | Resonance: Journal of Science Education | Monthly |
6 | University News | Weekly |
7 | DESIDOC Bullitin of Information Technology | Quarterly |
8 | ICTACT journal of soft computing | Quarterly |
9 | IETE Journal of Research | Bimonthly |
10 | i-manager’s Journal on Computer Science | Quarterly |
11 | IUP Journal of Computer Sciences | Quarterly |
12 | IUP Journal of Telecommunications | Quarterly |
13 | Asain Journal of Electrical Engineering | Quarterly |
14 | IEEMA Journal | Monthly |
15 | International Journal of control theory and application | Half Yearly |
16 | International Journal of Electronics Engineering | Half Yearly |
17 | IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Quarterly |
18 | Power Line | Monthly |
19 | International journal of engineering and advanced technology | Half Yearly |
20 | International journal of recent technology and engineering | Quarterly |
21 | Intewrnational Journal of Computing, programming and database management | Bimonthly |
22 | IUP Journal of Information Technology | Quarterly |
23 | Journal of Engineering education and trasformation | Quarterly |
24 | Journal of IoT and Information Technology | Triannual |
25 | IETE Technical Review | Bimonthly |
26 | International journal of applied chemistry | Half Yearly |
27 | IETE Journal of Education | Quarterly |
28 | International Journal of Mechanical engineering and Material Science | Half Yearly |
29 | IUP Journal of Mecahnical Engineering | Quarterly |
30 | Journal of Material Science | Triannual |
The National Digital library of India is a virtual repository of learning resources which is not only just a repository with a search/browse facilities but also provides a host of services containing textbooks, articles, videos, audio books, lectures, simulations, fiction and all other kinds of learning media for the learners/users community. It is a project under Ministry of Education, Government of India , through its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT). The objective is to collect and collate metadata and provide full text index from several national and international digital libraries, as well as other relevant sources. The NDLI provides free of cost access to many books and designed to hold content of any languages and provides interface support for 10 most widely used Indian languages. It is developed, operated and maintained from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
All the faculty members, students, and other staff members of our institute join NDLI Club as a member by visiting this URL https://club.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/sign-up
Please follow following steps for registration
Membership Procedure:
1. Copy the passkey (e817a9cc-267d-4f65-b161-bb22217e6249)
2. Click on the link: https://club.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/sign-up
3. Paste the passkey and fill in your email id, name and password. While you are copying and pasting your "Passkey;, there should be no space.
4. Complete “Self-Verification” by clicking on one verification link sent by email.
5. After your verification via an email link you can log in to NDLI Club with the same email id and password used at the time of registration as a member via https://club.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/sign-in.
6. You need to log in to https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ with the same login credentials and update your DOB & Gender, and synchronize your club member profile once with your NDLI Club profile.
It facilitate search of books with any one of the keywords: Author Name, Title, Subject, Publication, ISBN etc. OPAC also provide Boolean search facility to filtered search result. To search books and other resources please click on given bellow link
SIGCE Library is a member of Developing Library Network (DELNET). Which provides access to more than 3.7 crore catalogue records of books, journals, articles etc. through discovery portal and also more than One crore and Fifty lakhs full text e-books, e-journals and e-articles through Knowledge Gainer Portal You are requested to access DELNET database through the World Wide.
You are requested to access DELNET database through the World Wide Web using the following procedure:
Please go to the website:http://www.delnet.in
Click on “New Discovery Portal”, you are requested to use following login & password to access the new discovery portal of DELNET
Login : mhsigce
Password : sig9368
First Year Engineering |
Computer Engineering (IoT & Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology) |
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
Electrical Engineering |
Question Papers
June 2023
Important Links
Open Access Journals / e-journals
Sr No | Journals / e-journals | Links |
1 | Directory of Open Access Journals -Provides access to over 1500 + learned journals covering all major disciplines. | http://www.doaj.org/ |
2 | Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS) – 11 free Indian online journals | http://www.ias.ac.in |
3 | Niscair Full Text Journals | http://nopr.niscair.res.in/ |
4 | Institute of Physics electronic journals(IOP) 60 e-journals | http://iopscience.iop.org/journals |
5 | Journal of the Indian Institute of Science | http://journal.library.iisc.ernet.in/ |
6 | Down to Earth | http://www.downtoearth.org.in |
7 | Indian National Science Academy journals (INSA) | http://insa.nic.in/UI/journaldetails.aspx?AID=NA== |
8 | Iete Journals (institution Of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineers.) | http://www.iete.org/publications.html |
9 | Open Access Journals Search Engine | http://www.oajse.com/ |
10 | Medknow Publications Journals | http://www.medknow.com |
11 | 49 Full Open Access Stm Journals | http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ |
12 | Academic Journals | http://www.academicjournals.org/about.html |
13 | ACM Digital Library | https://dl.acm.org/pubs.cfm |
14 | Computer Science Journal | http://www.cscjournals.org/ |
15 | Science Publication Journals | http://thescipub.com/browse/ |
Dictionaries / encyclopedia
Sr No | Dictionaries / encyclopedia | Links |
1 | One Look Dictionery | http://www.onelook.com/ |
2 | Encyclopedia | http://www.encyclopedia.com |
3 | Encyclopedia Britannica | http://www.britannica.com |
4 | Merriam Webster Dictionary | http://www.merriam-webster.com |
5 | Engineering Dictionary | http://www.engineering-dictionary.org/ |
6 | Webster’s Online Dictionary | http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org |
Free E-books
Sr No | E-books | Links |
1 | Project Gutenberg offers over 38,000 free ebooks | http://www.gutenberg.org/ |
2 | Free fiction books | https://www.bookrix.com/books;fiction,id:16.html |
3 | Rare books | http://www.rarebooksocietyofindia.org |
4 | Science Citation Index | http://thomsonreuters.com/products_services/science/science_products/a-z/science_citation_index/ |
Dictionaries / encyclopedia
Sr No | Dictionaries / encyclopedia | Links |
1 | One Look Dictionery | http://www.onelook.com/ |
2 | Encyclopedia | http://www.encyclopedia.com |
3 | Encyclopedia Britannica | http://www.britannica.com |
4 | Merriam Webster Dictionary | http://www.merriam-webster.com |
5 | Engineering Dictionary | http://www.engineering-dictionary.org/ |
6 | Webster’s Online Dictionary | http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org |
General Engineering
Sr No | General Engineering | Links |
1 | Greatest Engineering Achievements | http://www.greatachievements.org/ |
2 | Mahatma Gandhi University online thesis Library | http://www.mgutheses.org/ |
3 | Vidyanidhi enhances access to Indian theses and enlarges the reach and audience for Indian doctoral research works | http://www.vidyanidhi.org.in/ |
4 | Shodhganga: PhD Thesis and Dissertation | http://ietd.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
Video Lectures & Learning Resources
Sr No | Video Lectures & Learning Resources | Links |
1 | National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) | http://www.nptel.iitm.ac.in/https://www.youtube.com/user/nptelhrd |
2 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm |
3 | IGNOU RESOURCES | http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/ |
4 | Open Yale Courses | https://oyc.yale.edu/ |
5 | National Science Digital Library at NISCAIR | http://nsdl.niscair.res.in/jspui/ |
6 | Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) | http://www.ndltd.org/ |
Sr No | Patent | Links |
1 | Indian Patent Searchable Database | http://www.pfc.org.in/db/db.htm |
2 | Govt India Patent Website | http://patinfo.nic.in |
3 | National Intellectual Property Organization | http://www.nipo.in/ |
4 | India Patent Website | http://www.ipindia.nic.in/ |
Newspaper Directory for the World
Sr No | Newspaper Directory for the World | Links |
1 | Online Newspaper Directory for the World | http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/ |
2 | India News Papers Directory | http://www.e-paperview.com/bharat.html |